Men's Life
Join us for a new Bible Study starting October 15!
Purpose: Men's Life provides you, St Paul men, the opportunity to help with small projects around the church, and in the community at times. We also have a month gathering where we spend time together informally.
We begin with Fellowship where private, or group, discussions take place about a wide variety of topics/interests. Fellowship if followed by dinner prepared by someone in our group.
Next on the agenda is a short Devotional given by the Pastor, or other men in the church. On occasion there will be a guest speaker in lieu of a devotional. Guests are always invited to Men' Life.
Regular Meeting Time and Place: Knibbe Ranch on the third Tuesday of the month from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. (Watch the monthly Epistle, and weekly bulletin, for announcements and contact information.)
How you can help: Join our group for small projects and yard work when needed, in addition to supporting the outreach programs offered by other organizations around church.
We begin with Fellowship where private, or group, discussions take place about a wide variety of topics/interests. Fellowship if followed by dinner prepared by someone in our group.
Next on the agenda is a short Devotional given by the Pastor, or other men in the church. On occasion there will be a guest speaker in lieu of a devotional. Guests are always invited to Men' Life.
Regular Meeting Time and Place: Knibbe Ranch on the third Tuesday of the month from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. (Watch the monthly Epistle, and weekly bulletin, for announcements and contact information.)
How you can help: Join our group for small projects and yard work when needed, in addition to supporting the outreach programs offered by other organizations around church.